
  • 3 Signs Of Possible Skin Cancer That You Need To Know

    Do you enjoy spending time outside, engaging in various outdoor activities? Have you ever thought about the damage that the sun is likely doing to your skin? Ultraviolet, or UV, light can be extremely damaging to the skin. Even if you apply sunscreen, it's possible that you may miss certain areas on a regular basis. In addition, the sunscreen can eventually be washed off either by swimming in the water or via sweat.
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  • Staying Healthy Through Vigilance And Preemption - Signs A Mole Needs To Be Removed

    Being aware of your own body can be a difficult task, but it's a vital one if you want to live your longest and healthiest life. Some changes are easily noticed, but others, like the development of and changes in moles, can be a much more difficult challenge. If you're not sure what to look for, you may end up ignoring skin growths that pose serious dangers. Below, you'll find a guide to some signs that your moles may need to be removed.
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  • Two Tried-And-True Treatment Methods Of Treating Acne Scars

    If your acne has caused scarring and over-the-counter products have not brought results, it may be time to make an appointment with a dermatologist. A dermatologist, commonly referred to as a skin doctor, may recommend treatment methods that can be performed at the doctor's office. Two of the most commonly used techniques for treating acne scars are soft tissue fillers and laser resurfacing. Depending upon the extent of your acne scars, your doctor will recommend the best course of action.
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