Staying Healthy Through Vigilance And Preemption - Signs A Mole Needs To Be Removed

Posted on: 16 April 2017

Being aware of your own body can be a difficult task, but it's a vital one if you want to live your longest and healthiest life. Some changes are easily noticed, but others, like the development of and changes in moles, can be a much more difficult challenge. If you're not sure what to look for, you may end up ignoring skin growths that pose serious dangers.

Below, you'll find a guide to some signs that your moles may need to be removed. While your dermatologist will make the ultimate determination is to whether or not a removal is necessary, keeping your eyes open for these symptoms is an important step in preserving your health.

Differences In Color

One of the most enduring myths about moles is that those of a certain color will always develop into a health challenge. Indeed, your skin's natural pigmentation has a lot to do with how your moles grow and develop, and as long as each individual mole is consistent, there's nothing about color that would immediately reveal a threat.

What does create cause for concern, however, is a change in color in an individual mole. Whether a mole goes from dark to light in its entirety or whether different areas of a single mole take on different shades, keeping a watchful eye out for that variance is essential.

Unusual Shapes

While you may find your moles to be unsightly, their shape is not generally a cause for concern as long as it's consistent. Most moles grow in fairly regular circular patterns, and as long as they remain symmetrical, minor alterations from that are not a reason to worry.

If your moles are asymmetrical or have unusually shaped borders, you may be looking at a different story. Moles that don't grow evenly tend to be moles with greater underlying concerns, and you should also be aware of changes in shape that can be serious warning signs.

New Developments

For the most part, as you progress into adulthood, your skin will settle down and take on some consistent characteristics. As you enter your 20s, you should have a firm grasp of where your moles exist on your body and what size, color, and shape they generally hold. If you see new moles developing or substantial changes in those you already had, it may be a reason to be concerned. Consulting with your dermatologist will help you verify whether you need to head down the path toward removal.

Check with a place like Associated Skin Care Specialists for more information.
