3 Cosmetic Treatments Your Dermatologist Might Suggest For Treating Your Sun-Damaged Skin

Posted on: 28 December 2022

Sun damage can leave your skin with fine wrinkles, brown spots, and poor skin texture. These problems are often difficult to correct on your own, but a dermatologist might be able to help. They might prescribe topical creams that turn over skin cells or provide antioxidants. They might also suggest non-surgical treatments to rejuvenate your skin. Here are three dermatologist treatments that might improve the sun damage to your skin.

1. Chemical Peels 

Chemical peels are designed to remove the top layers of your skin. There are different strengths of peels your dermatologist can use to treat sun damage. The stronger the peel, the more skin that's removed, and the longer you'll need to recover from the procedure.

Chemical peels can remove sun spots and light wrinkles when the upper layers of skin are removed. This allows fresher, younger skin to show. The new skin should have fewer wrinkles and a more uniform color. Plus, the peel stimulates your skin to produce collagen and elastin so your skin tightens and has an improved tone.

2. Red Light Therapy

If you'd rather consider a painless and gentle approach to treating sun damage, your dermatologist might recommend red light therapy. This treatment uses infrared light to target the deeper layers of skin.

The light encourages elastin and collagen production which reduces wrinkles and improves the appearance of your skin. The light also removes brown discolorations that result from too much sun exposure over the years. This treatment doesn't remove skin layers, so it's easy to endure and there is no downtime to recover.

3. Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is similar to a chemical peel in that the top layers of skin are removed. As your skin grows back, it's tighter and firmer. This is because the treatment stimulates more collagen to be produced. This treatment may require a few weeks of recovery time.

A more gentle laser treatment is IPL or nonablative laser therapy. This laser doesn't remove the top layer of skin. It targets deeper layers of skin, so it isn't as aggressive. However, it may not be as effective.

You'll need to discuss your goals for treatment with your dermatologist. The dermatologist will consider your goals along with your age and the condition of your skin before recommending the best way to give you the results you want by eliminating as much skin damage as possible. You might notice an improvement in your skin from a single treatment, but some cosmetic treatments might require multiple treatment sessions to get the best results.
