An Overview of Hair Transplant Treatment: What Is It and How Does It Work

Posted on: 8 September 2023

Losing hair is an experience that many individuals face at one point in their lives. Fortunately, hair transplant treatment is available for those seeking to restore their hair's thickness and fullness. Hair transplant treatment is a popular solution to balding and is becoming more widespread. If you're considering hair transplant treatment, then you're in the right place. This blog provides you with an overview of hair transplant treatment, including what it is and how it works.

What Is a Hair Transplant Treatment?

A hair transplant is a procedure where hair-bearing skin is taken from one area of the donor's scalp and transplanted to the balding area to treat hair loss. The hair in the balding area then grows permanently, thickening the hair density in the affected area.

How Does Hair Transplant Treatment Work?

Hair transplant treatment works in three steps: preparation, extraction, and transplantation. During the preparation stage, a medical professional will prepare the donor's scalp for surgery by cleaning it and applying a local anesthetic. Next, the medical expert will extract the hair follicles from the donor's scalp using microsurgical techniques and equipment. The follicles then go through a microscopic examination before being prepared for transplantation. Finally, the extracted hair follicles will be transplanted onto the recipient's scalp.

Different Types of Hair Transplant Treatments:

Two commonly used hair transplant treatment methods are the Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method and the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) technique. The FUE method is the more modern of the two, and it involves the extraction of individual hair follicles from the donor's scalp, which are then transplanted into the recipient's scalp. The FUT technique is the traditional method, and it involves the extraction of a hair-bearing strip of skin from the donor's scalp, which the medical expert dissects into individual hair follicles for transplantation.

What's the Recovery Process Like After a Hair Transplant Treatment?

After the hair transplant treatment, the scalp might feel slightly sore with a discomfort factor, and a healing process is needed. The level of discomfort varies from person to person, and most persons go back to normal during recovery. The medical team usually advises washing the hair a few days after surgery.

Hair transplant treatment is a viable solution for people who are experiencing hair loss or balding. Knowing what is involved in the preparation, extraction, and transplantation can provide potential clients with an understanding of the treatment process. In addition, understanding the different types of hair transplant treatments can aid individuals in determining which treatment would be best for them. If you're considering hair transplant treatment, consult a qualified medical professional for guidance throughout the process.

For more info about hair transplant treatments, contact a local professional. 
